Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Afie's School - Brymill Primary School.

Afie excited sangat masa nak start sekolah baru and tak sabar nak pakai uniform sekolah. Kalau ikutkan umur dia baru darjah empat kat Malaysia tapi kat sini dia masuk Year 5. We all cuma risau coz dia boleh cakap Bahasa Inggeris sikit2 je. Dia pulak jenis pemalu macam ibu dia. (hehehe). Anyway so far dah sebulan dia sekolah kat sini nampaknye semua ok. Dia takde masalah nak faham dengan apa yang cikgu ajar kat sekolah. Dia pun dah boleh adapt dengan environment kat sekolah baru n kawan2 baru. Yang bestnye sekolah kat sini tak payah bawak beg berat macam kat Malaysia. Buku pun tak payah beli. Buku tulis pun sekolah sediakan. Buku semuanye simpan kat sekolah. Bila ada homework baru bawak balik. Sekolah Afie ni  dekat je dgn rumah. About 5 minutes walking je. So every morning my hubby/ I akan jalan kaki je hantar dia. School started at 8.50 am and for safety reason parents tak boleh hantar their children earlier than 8.40  am. School ends at 3.20 pm. Recess time is at 12.15 pm to 1.15 pm but prior to that they will have break for about 20 minutes. 

Brynmill Primary School

First day of school

Alia's new school.

Alia my  1st daughter baru je ambil PMR last year. Alhamdulillah, she got 8As. Sempat jugak pegi ambek result PMR dia before we all fly haritu.  So now she is studying at Cefn Hengoed Community School in Year 10. On May next year she will have to take GCSE examination. GCSE is equivalent to SPM kat Malaysia. Thereafter , if she got good result she will proceed with A Level before we all balik Malaysia for good. Lepas tu bolehlah dia continue with her degree kat Malaysia. Insya Allah.

Alhamdulillah sekolah Alia ni ok. Teachers are very friendly and supportive. Terperanjat jugak dengan layanan cikgu2 dan guru besar sekolah tu masa registration that day. Head teacher sekolah tu siap peluk Alia and  cakap " Don't worry coz you are in good hands." Maybe dia nampak air muka we all yang risau semacam je. Mana tak risaunye, Alia will be the only Malaysian student in the school and ada lah less than 10 Muslim students kat sekolah tu. 

Anyway masuk hari ni dah seminggu lebih Alia sekolah. Dia pun dah ade ramai kawan2 baru and muka pun dah nampak happy. I feel so relief now.

New chapter in our life.


This is my very first time tulis dlm blog ni. I’m not good in writing but will try my very best to update this blog from time to time...just utk mengisi masa lapang sepanjang tinggal di Negara orang ni. My family n I will be staying in UK for at least 3 years...so sure  byk pengalaman baru especially for my 2 girls Alia and Afie.  As for me and hubby , both of us dah ade pengalaman tinggal kt US for 2 years masa buat Degree dulu. Cuma bezanye dulu we all berdua je tapi sekarang dah berempat. 

 Dalam flight...mata bengkak coz baru lepas menangis...sedih tinggalkan family kat Malaysia

 Baru sampai di Heathrow Airport, London
Hubby bawak we all ronda London sekejap, walaupun masa tu baru je sampai and penat sangat
 Muka happy coz dapat jumpa ayah after 3 months tak jumpa and happy coz dah sampai London.